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A Novel Use Case

Building façade and Roof cleaning has been a high-risk job with attendant high insurance premiums because of the risk to human life since the advent of skyscrapers. Workers have been hoisted by ropes and platforms to clean delicate roofs and glass facades. A number of cases have been reported of ropes snapping and platforms collapsing resulting in needless loss of lives. This has been the case until drones came to the rescue in the recent past. This is still a new area where drones are being used to accomplish these hitherto risky ventures by human beings. A good example is the impressive Dubai skyline that is pummeled by dust from the desert and has to be cleaned at least every six months due to how clogged they get. A huge workforce of workers using climbing ropes and chains are employed to clean the glass façade and have to battle with strong winds and high temperatures made even worse by the reflective glass clad buildings. Drones are now being used to do the cleaning where pipes and strong pumps are attached to the drones and the detergents and water are then pumped to clean the buildings. The same is also used to clean dirty roofs quickly and safely. This use case has a downside because jobs are being lost to drones, but new ones are being created in the drone support services and manufacturing. Former workers are now being reskilled and retooled to handle the growing needs of drone technology shaping the present and future.